About us

Hey! Thank you for taking the time read more about the InHalo.


I am a physio in Melbourne, Australia. My experience in healthcare, and having asthma myself, has allowed me to understand the way in which asthma and other respiratory conditions are best managed. This involves using inhalers and having them easily accessible.


For me, exercise is a trigger for my asthma. This means I have to carry my inhaler with me to the gym or when I go for a run, however I was running out of hands to hold my keys, phone, water bottle and inhaler... thus the InHalo was born! A keychain that makes your inhaler cute and accessible!


I hope you value your InHalo as much as I do. I would love to hear feedback and see you utilising the InHalo in your life! Get in touch via Instagram or TikTok @theinhalo


XX Natasha